Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Growth Update

Went to the perinatal doc today and had an ultrasound. Her growth is back on track! So that's good news. She is still little in the 6th percentile and measuring small by about two weeks, but at least she is increasing again.

We got to do a 3-d ultrasound which was fun to see really see her facial features though Kendall thinks it makes her look a little weird, but I am only 26 weeks so she hasn't really accumulated all the baby fat yet that helps. I will try and scan them and post them soon. (but I hate scanning so we will see HOW soon.)

Anyway. Just wanted to let you know.

Also wanted to let you know I've developed a new fear that they are going to tell me whoops we were wrong and she is actually a he. That would throw me for a loop I think. ;) Oh how I love my irrational fears.


  1. That's good news. I hope that fear doesn't come true because I love Gracie just the way she is. Thanks for the updates:)

  2. Good news! Yippee!!!!
    I don't want to minimize your fears, but finding out you're having a boy would be kind of funny...can you turn the name Gracie Belle into something boyish???? Gregie Bill????? Hmmmmm.....

  3. I thought this was beautiful. In case you hadn't seen it.

  4. I'm so glad that she's growing and I can't wait to see her 3D pics.
